You might think h.pylori infection is not so serious, but you may be partially right. It’s true, most of the time the infection does not show any symptoms but there are plenty of cases, people have suffered severe signs. Moreover, infected people have sometimes been reported to have experienced certain complications too. This blog will
guide you to know more about it.
H.pylori is a common infection that is mostly found in children. But in the United States, several adults are also affected by this infection. Currently, above 75%
of the world's population is under the grasp of the h.pylori infection.
H.pylori disease is caused by gram-negative spiral-shaped bacteria,
helicobacter pylori, which attacks the stomach and the upper part of the
The bacteria can be treated with antibiotics combined with other medicines, but the new Lactobacillus reuteri strain has also proved to be effective. Pylopass is a culture of this strain that helps to reduce the damage caused by the bacteria in the body.
How do the bacteria affect the digestive tract?
H.Pylori damages the stomach lining, making the cells very sensitive to pepsin, a
powerful digestive enzyme that destroys the stomach lining. As a
result, soars and ulcers occur inside the stomach's inner mucous lining.
H Pylori may adhere to stomach cells and cannot be eliminated by the
stomach. The mucous lining of the stomach is constantly attacked because
the region where H Pylori colonizes turns red and swells.
To put it in detail, it has the potential to harm the tissue in your
stomach and the upper section of your small intestine (the duodenum).
This might result in redness and pain (inflammation). It may
additionally cause severe sores called peptic ulcers (both gastric and
duodenitis ulcers) in your gastrointestinal tract under certain
pylori affect the gastric and the intestinal lining with an enzyme produced by the bacteria. The enzyme is known as Urease. This enzyme reduces the acidity of your stomach juices (neutralizes them), which compromises the lining of your stomach.
Acid and pepsin, two powerful digestive fluids, are thus more likely to harm
your stomach cells. This might result in stomach or duodenal ulcers or
sores. Also, in rare cases, stomach cancer.
The bacterium H. pylori can also adhere to stomach cells. Your stomach isn't particularly good at protecting itself. The affected region swells up becoming red.
Despite the fact that H.pylori neutralizes gastric acidity, it has been
discovered that H.pylori aggressiveness causes the stomach to grow
increasingly acidic. This is a matter that scientists are perplexed
What are the complications of h.pylori infection?
The infection does not exhibit symptoms most of the time and remains
harmless. But at times, it becomes worse for some of the infected
Hence, here are some complications that make the effect of this infection highly dangerous and worrisome.
If you become contaminated with the bacteria, you may develop severe sores
known as peptic ulcers. These ulcers develop in the upper digestive
A painful ulcer can erode your stomach lining. It may also lead to complicated conditions such as:
- Bleeding, which occurs when a blood artery is worn away
- A perforation or fissure in your gastric mucous membrane
- Blockage occurs when the ulcer is at a location that prevents food from leaving your stomach
- H. pylori infection can potentially result in stomach cancer
You need to visit a doctor or a health specialist immediately if you are
suffering from any of the above. Generally, the health specialist would
prescribe two antibiotics and PPIs but some also suggest food
supplements. Pylo-x is a similar food supplement that has Pylopass in it. The lactobacillus reuteri present in this food supplement reduces
the effects of the h.pylori bacteria. To know more about the product, visit our website (( or contact us at 833.550.6660.